FAQs about small milk pasteurizer machine
What is a pasteurization?
This is a process of heat treatment. You need it if you want to extend the shelf life of your product and kill the harmful bacterias and germs inside it. The same time during pasteurisation you save the most part of useful elements.
What is a pasteuriser?
This is device where you can place your product (milk, juice, etc.) and treat it under the temperature and time you need. Also you can use this device as vat.
Which products can I make with pasteurizer?
You can make pasteurized milk, any kind of cheese or even yogurt.
In what cases do You need to have a pasteurizer?
You will need it for sure, if You are:
- an owner of a mini-farm or creamery;
- a small-scale producer of different dairy products;
- a cheese-maker, who wants to start making cheese and sell it successfully to end users.
In what cases you don't need a pasteuriser?
1. If You don't make dairy products too often
2. If You are happy with supermarket quality of dairy products
Why I cannot produce cheese just in a pot and making it on the stove?
Well, actually You can make cheese just in a pot on Your stove, but be ready to burn the milk or boil it over.
You can use two pots and water between to protect yourself from milk burndown or boil over. But anyway you will need to stay with te near the stove and regulate the temperature all the time.
But If You use the pasteuriser, You can just set the temperature and time and save a lot of time which is so important for dairy farmer. Also Your milk will never be burnt or boiled over. There is water layer between heater and milk container. As result, the milk will not burn inside and be wasted. Don’t waste YOUR MONEY!
What kind of cheese or yogurt I can make?
With a pasteurizer, You can make any kind of cheese and yogurt. You just need to choose the necessary cheese culture to do this.
You keep selling the raw milk, don’t You?
If You do so, then it means that You are not the master of Your life and business, but just an employee of the large processing companies. It means that they decide how much to pay You and how much milk they’ll buy from You. It also means that most of the money is running away from You day by day. The money, that you could spend on developing Your farm, Your house, Yourself, Your family, Your children and your animals. However, this money runs away from you every day, run away forever and You’ll never see them again. Well, You can keep putting up with it, or You can change this scenario once and for all.
How to start earning more?
All You need to do is - to choose the pasteuriser on our website which will suit You the best as per Your requirements and performance, and then send it to Your cart. When You open Your cart, there You can follow the simple steps and do the following: choose the delivery method, payment method and at the end You can easily place an order. After that, we will put clean white gloves on, gently will take Your ordered item out of the sterile clean shelves, will pack it securely and then will ship it to You immediately.
Models of what size do you offer?
We specialize in small bulk pasteurizing machines. If you are looking for a small model between 3-7 gal (14-29 L) that you would like to use at home or at your micro-dairy, please take a look at home pasteurizers we have.
If you are looking for a model between 13-26 gal (45-90L) for you small dairy, please take a look at our larger pasteurizers.
What if the pasteurizer does not suite me well?
If the pasteurizer does not suite Your requirements well, - it’s not a problem at all and You don’t even need to explain us anything. Just send it back to us within 14 days ofter you received it and we will refund Your money in full.
On our website we are offering pasteurizers Milky.
Milky is a brand of the world-renowned Austrian company Franz JanschitzGes.m.b.H. Already more than 25 years the company is operating in the market of milk processing and is manufacturing pasteurizers, which suites well for home use and for professional users as well. All Milky pasteurizers are made of stainless steel.